The Academy for Islam in Research and Society (AIWG) at the Goethe University in Frankfurt conducts interdisciplinary research and knowledge transfer activities, focusing on Isla­mic religion and Muslim life in Germany and Europe. It ser­ves as a hub for all eleven faculties and institutes for Islamic theological studies and Islamic religious pedagogy situated at German universities and other higher institutions of edu­cation. The Academy tackles issues of social participation by integrating religious perspectives. Founded in 2017, the AIWG has been continuously funded by the Federal Ministry of Edu­cation and Research.



The AIWG pursues three goals:

  • Enabling research: The AIWG supports the integra­tion of Islamic theological studies into the German academic landscape. It fosters collaborative and in­terdisciplinary research across university institutions and engages in international discussions.
  • Facilitating knowledge exchange: The AIWG pro­motes dialogue among researchers, civil society ac­tors and government representatives. Its aim is to craft solutions by incorporating diverse viewpoints on societal challenges.
  • Encouraging in-depth and balanced debate: The AIWG is committed to enriching public discourse by bringing to light and disseminating specialised knowledge that is otherwise not widely known nor easily accessible.



Main activities

Research activities

The AIWG facilitates discussions, research projects and academic exchanges on Islam-related issues within Germany and internationally. This is carried out by means of an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented approach through a variety of different measures, including inter-university projects, a programme for early-career researcher, scholarships, publications and conferences. The academic work focuses on the following research areas: ‘Islam and the life-world’, ‘Text and norm’ and ‘Contextual Islamic theological knowledge production’.

Societal contributions

The AIWG focuses on questions of social participation and inclusion of minorities by incorporating research on religion and Islam. It not only provides forums for exchange between scholars, civil society and state representatives but also funds specific projects on current issues. Its publication formats aim to enrich the public debate on religion and Islam with new perspectives and expert knowledge.

International activities

The AIWG carries out projects with an international focus to promote long-term networking on issues related to Islam and Muslim life in Europe and North America. To achieve this aim, the AIWG organises interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary conferences and workshops involving governmental, religious and academic participants from various countries. Additionally, their research projects ad­dress questions in Islamic theology through a more global international exchange.


Our office

The AIWG office is based at the University of Frankfurt. The central decision-making body of AIWG is the Academy Board, which includes representatives from the cooperating academic institutions offering Islamic theological studies in Germany. The Academy Board also includes members from other disciplines as well as experts from Muslim civil society.

The AIWG activities are led by Prof. Dr. Bekim Agai (Director) and Managing Director Dr. Raida Chbib. A dedicated team coordinates and implements the work and numerous projects across various universities and within society. The work is structured across the following key departments:

  • Administration and Controlling
  • Science and Research
  • Promotion of Young Scholars and Knowledge Transfer
  • Science Communication and Public Relations
  • Events
  • Internationalisation


The AIWG is primarily funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The BMBF is supporting the academy’s academic programs with €6.4 million in funding from 2022 until 2027. From 2017 to 2022, the BMBF already provided €8.5 million for the academy’s work. The Mercator Foundation funded the academy’s transfer formats with up to €2.8 million until 2023. The Federal Foreign Office funded various measures as part of AIWG’s international programme between 2018 and 2022. Since 2023, the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Integration, and Refugees at the Chancellor’s Office has been supporting the project „plugether.“

More about the AIWG

Board Members

  • Prof. Dr. Serdar Kurnaz (Berliner Institut für Islamische Theologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
  • Prof. Dr. Mohammed Nekroumi (Department für Islamisch-Religiöse Studien, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
  • Dr. Rana Alsoufi (Institut für Studien der Kultur und Religion des Islam, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main)
  • Prof. Dr. Yasar Sarikaya (Professur für Islamische Theologie und ihre Didaktik, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
  • J.-Prof. Dr. Ulvi Karagedik (Institut für Islamische Theologie und Religionspädagogik, Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe)
  • Prof. Dr. Jameleddine Abdeljelil (Institut für Islamische Theologie/Religionspädagogik, Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg)
  • Dr. Asmaa El Maaroufi (Juniorprofessur für Islamische Philosophie, (Zentrum für Islamische Theologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
  • Prof. Dr. Bülent Ucar (Institut für Islamische Theologie, Universität Osnabrück)
  • Dr. Muna Tatari (Seminar für Islamische Theologie, Universität Paderborn)
  • Prof. Dr. Ruggero Vimercati Sanseverino (Professur für Hadith-Studien und Prophetische Tradition am Zentrum für Islamische Theologie, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen)
  • Akademie der Weltreligionen, Universität Hamburg
  • Prof. Dr. Katajun Amirpur, Professur für Islamwissenschaft, Universität zu Köln
  • Prof. Dr. Alexander-Kenneth Nagel, Professur für Religionswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt sozialwissenschaftliche Religionsforschung, Universität Göttingen
  • Prof. Dr. Mathias Rohe, Professur für Bürgerliches Recht, internationales Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Schmid, Professur für interreligiöse Ethik und christlich-muslimische Beziehungen und Direktor des Schweizerischen Zentrums für Islam und Gesellschaft, Universität Freiburg (CH)
  • Hatice Durmaz, Altpräsidentin des Rates muslimischer Studierender und Akademiker (RAMSA e.V.)
  • Dr. Benjamin Idriz, Imam der Islamischen Gemeinde Penzberg, Vorsitzender des Münchner Forum für Islam (MFI), Mitglied im Sprecherrat des Rats der Religionen München
  • Norbert Müller, Rechtsanwalt und Vorstandsmitglied von SCHURA – Rat der Islamischen Gemeinschaften in Hamburg (decd)
  • Lydia Nofal, Mitglied des Beirats des Instituts für Islamische Theologie an der HU Berlin und Mitarbeiterin der Regionalen Arbeitsstelle für Bildung, Integration und Demokratie (RAA) e.V., Berlin
  • Dr. Erika Theißen, Interkulturelle Pädagogin und ehem. Geschäftsführerin des Begegnungs- und Fortbildungszentrums muslimischer Frauen (BFmF) e.V., Köln
  • Taner Yüksel, M.A., Islamwissenschaftler und Projektleiter beim Sozialdienst muslimischer Frauen (SmF) e.V., Köln
  • Dr. Ali Aslan Gümüsay, DPhil (Oxon), DAAD Prime Fellow an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien und der Universität Hamburg, Vorstandsmitglied des Concordia Forum sowie Beiratsmitglied von Zahnräder Netzwerk, RAMSA und Oxademy
  • Prof. Dr. Volkhard Krech, Professur für Religionswissenschaft an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und Direktor des Centrums für Religionswissenschaftliche Studien (CERES)
  • Malika Laabdallaoui, Dipl. Psych., psychologische Psychotherapeutin und systemische Paar- und Familientherapeutin
  • Dr. Riem Spielhaus, Professur für Islamwissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Bildung und Wissenskulturen an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und Leiterin der Abteilung Schulbuch und Gesellschaft am Georg-Eckert-Institut
  • Prof. Dr. Harry Harun Behr (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Islamisch-Theologische Studien (DEGITS))